This site is closed and only serves as an archive. No donations are accepted at the moment.
Ad block
The advertisement block is powered by the Fusion Ad Network, a network which enables you to display your ads to designers, developers, other creative professionals, publishers and tastemakers in tech-related fields.
There is only one ad block on RocketINK. It’s located in the sidebar on desktops and tablets – on smartphones your ad gets an even more prominent spot.
If you like a spot, I suggest contacting the Fusion Ad Network directly.
Statement about free products
Needless to say that as owner of a small blog I’m happy when I receive free versions of products or gadgets for reviewing purposes.
The provided products remain in my possession post-review but I want to make clear that I always strive to write well-thought-out and fair reviews.
In principle, please note that unsolicited goods not automatically mean that I’m going to write a review on the product.