Working on a computer with two persons and two mouse pointers… this might be confusing at first, but I can see the advantages. I haven’t tested it, but it looks interesting enough to check it out the next time I show my parents how to do something.
Great article about certain types of apps that flood the App Store. Nate Boateng puts the focus on weather apps and he is to blame for yet another weather app I just purchased: Today. Thanks Nate.
Let’s just go with a quote from the website here: “Quickly import bookmarks and notes from iBooks on iPhone, iPod, iPad export to PDF and Evernote on Mac”.
If you’re out of warranty and your iPhone has a malfunctioning home button or you are in need to replace the battery it’s often cheaper to handle the task at hand yourself than to pay the standard fee at the local Apple Store. The current price is $229 for an iPhone 5 replacement.
If you ever wondered how tears in space behave and how astronauts shave in space you got it all here. Chris Hadfield, commander of the international space station ISS gives you all the answer. It’s just like watching the childrens education channel. Great stuff.
Adobe is hard at work on the web developer front. Their latest product is a visual editor for creating responsive websites. The guys from Webdesigntuts+ have two videos on their website if you rather watch a demo than getting your hands dirty right away.
After updating to the iPhone 5 I had initial troubles hold to hold the device in one hand and reach all the prominent spots on my homescreen. After wrapping my iPhone in the BookBook case (oh the sin… I know the iPhone shouldn’t go into a case) I’m comfortable holding it in one hand again. I was always interested in how other smart phone users hold their device. This article from UXmatters satisfies my curiosity a bit. I still would like to take a peek at Apple’s own research which the did before releasing an iPhone with a new form factor.