An Even Sweeter Setup

August 23, 2014
Updated on: August 23, 2014 at 22:49

An Even Sweeter Setup → via @_patrickwelker

With my “Der Übercast”1 co-pilot Sven Fechner being featured on The Sweet Setup I found a good excuse to “brag” about the latest addition to my own sweet setup.

It’s a DIY cork tray for my cuteness-overload meadow:


Since you might not grasp the full meaning of this… here’s another picture with an arrow and a message.


If you wonder how my complete setup looked like before, here’s my Sweet Mac Setup on Shawn Blanc’s website.

I know that you’re probably still flabbergasted. Take your time. The inconsiderable beauty of this cork thingy is quite something… I know it’s a subtle elegance and not to mention the superior craftsmanship… just let it sink in. But, when you reach the point that you’re totally miserable since you don’t own one of these you can always hit the next hardware store with 30 bucks and build your own.

If you still feel that your home office sucks or that all of the above was utterly boring, I’m truly sorry… but I got you covered: check out the “Most Depressing Home Offices Ever”.

Side note regarding my setup: some other things changed like me selling my beloved (but under-powered) 11-inch MacBook Air and buying an amazing office chair instead. But there’s another big change which I’ll tell you about in tomorrows post.

  1. Warning! German content.

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